Geldschule PROFI

by Klaus Rost



How would it be if from now on you could answer every money question of your customers confidently and effortlessly? And how about being able to answer even when you get to know a financial product for the first time and you want to or have to judge whether it is worthwhile? Geldschule PROFI is the answer. In financial consulting there are always complicated questions. Maybe 4 credits are combined with each other in a credit financing and you want to compare this offer with another offer where only 3 credits are combined with each other. Or customers have invested in a financial product, there were deposits, withdrawals, tax payments and a final profit and you want to be able to calculate exactly how high the effective interest rate is. Or you have a company pension scheme with a deposit and payout phase and want to know from what life expectancy the offer is worthwhile with what effective interest. Geldschule PROFI provides you with the answer. Geldschule PROFI is therefore probably the best professional financial calculator there is.